2 months and some change
2 months sounds like no time at all, but in baby world that's an eternity! I feel like soooooo much has happened in the last 2 and a half months. So i'll share some of our milestones with you. I know I probably shouldn't type this because as soon as I do I will jinx myself, but around a month and a half Collins started sleeping anywhere from 7 to 9 hours at night. Granted I wasn't getting that much sleep since I was still having to get used to her noises at night, but getting 4 to 5 hours straight sleep was a blessing to me!! She is still sleeping 7 to 9 hours every night with the exception of an off night here and there and we are very thankful for that!
Many faces of Collins |
We had Candace Nelson in Troy take Collins' newborn pictures which turned out gorgeous!!! When we got the pictures in I wanted to try my hand at a pinterest project with an old window pane and I couldn't be happier with the result! Candace took some awesome newborn pictures and I am very glad we decided to go with a "grow with me" package for Collins. Can't wait for 6 month pics!!!
completed pinterst project |
On July 1st we had Collins dedicated at church along with her cousin Mason. The day couldn't have turned out any better, well except for the 100 + degree weather.... But other than that it was a wonderful day to celebrate 2 wonderful blessings with our family and friends. You can watch the service here
Pine Hill Baptist Church July 1, 2012 service. Not only was it a wonderful dedication service but the sermon delivered by our preacher, Bro Chris Kynard, was one I needed to hear. Bro Chris gave Collins a bible with her name on it and a letter that we have in our safe that she is to read once she is older and has accepted Christ into her life. We have the best church family and I am so glad that Collins is going to grow up in such a loving place.
The dedication cake. |
The dreaded 2 month appointment at the doctor was finally here. I asked Matthew to take off work and go with us, beacuse I knew I would get upset when Collins got her shots. When the doctor came in his first words were "woah that's a big baby" Matthew and I assume he is referring to her height... lol. Surprisingly I only teared up just a little while she was getting her shots. Wish I could say the same for Collins. But as soon as I picked her up she was fine! And no reactions to the shots either!! I was worried about that since I didn't know what to expect! We took videos of before and during the shots and then a picture of her after in hobby lobby :) She weighed in at a whopping 11.5 lbs and measured 23 1/2 inches long. She's in the 90th percentile for her height which obviously she gets from her daddy. ( We think the only thing she got from me so far are her ears, poor child. Good thing she will have hair to cover them up! )
Before Shots
After shots
For the 4th of July we went to the beach with Matthew's family. All 12 of us plus 2 dogs in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom condo... I was a little anxious about this trip since this would be the first time EVERYONE was at the beach together, but it went very well! We had a photo shoot with all the girls and Collins got to sit in her bumbo in the kiddie pool :)
Collins and Mason in their matching swimsuits |
Sims, Mason, Taylor, and Collins |
Matthew and I got to go to the beach by ourselves for my birthday. I missed Collins sooooooo much, but Mimi sent us tons of pics. So we enjoyed dinner out every night, finally getting some sun on this white body, and we made it to a movie for the first time in 3 months! I was more than ready to see my baby girl when Sunday rolled around, but I throughly enjoyed mommy and daddy time :)

We've almost hit the 3 month mark and Collins is getting so big! As of today She likes to watch about 15 minutes of any baby einstein movie, she loves to hear herself talk, she is a little fussy at night unless she's really tired then you better put some ear plugs in! Her daddy is really good at calming her down when she's that upset. She is super happy when she first wakes up. She loves her avent paci's during her day naps, and she loves to sit outside. She also loves to mean mug ppl, which I hope she grows out of very quickly. She is her daddy through and through. We are blessed with one amazing baby girl!!
Now that I'm caught up I hope to make my post from here on out a little more detailed!
Hope you enjoy!!!!
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