
Monday, December 17, 2012

7 months- Better late than never!

Collins - 7 months old!!
 We celebrated with dinner at mexican!!!  Puffs dipped in cheese dip is whats for dinner :)
  Finally got a picture of the teeth!  One more trying to come in on top!

 First visit with Santa!!!

 First Thanksgiving!!  Gobble Gobble
 Finally holding your bottle by yourself with a little help from those big feet!
 Guess we avoided it as long as we could... First cold :( 14 days of snotty, sneezy, coughy mess
which then led to ear infection #2 :(

Water baby!!
Took a little over 7 months to get the hang of it
Singing :)
Gotta work on the table manners :)

Merry Christmas!!!

 Merry Christmas from the Wright's!!!
House update :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

6 months?!?!?!

Collins - 6 months

Where has the time gone?!
It's safe to say you look more and more like your daddy everyday :)
26 1/4 in long
more shots this month :(

Bedtime is still around 8-8:30 most of the time
This month
first 2 teeth!!!
 first Halloween!  Cutest flower ever!!

 trying to crawl :)
 first visit with Santa!!!
Uncle Hunter and Aunt TaTa's wedding

Here are just some random pics and videos from this month

Matthew on the left... can we say twins?! fingers and all!!

Ignore my singing in this video :)  she LOVES it when I sing this song to her :)

Candace came all the way to Pine Hill to take Col's 6 month pics... We loved the way they turned out!! They will be up for 2 weeks if you want to check them out.
click on clients and find Collins+Cousins
after you log in the gallery password is

Thursday, October 4, 2012

5 Months!!

Give thanks in ALL circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18
    I can't say that I'm not happy to see September go.  This month has been filled with many trials for our family.  With that said we have SOOOOOO much to be thankful for.  I refuse to count my problems... Instead I am counting my many many blessing God has given us.
Our favorite blessing
The beginning of September you got your first stomach virus.  I think this was worse on me than it was on you.  It was about 4 days of crying, diahrrea, and little sleep.  We ended up taking you to the doctor and that's what he diagnosed you with.  He postponed your 4 month shots for 2 weeks due to the virus. 
On the way home from the doctor

Stomach virus gone!!  Completely different Baby!!
The 2nd week of September (9/11 to be exact) is a day that I am not sure I will ever forget. Early that morning as we were walking from the kitchen to go change a dirty diaper I triped over the dish washer door, we both fell to the floor, and you landed on the back of your head.  I will never EVER get that image out of my mind.  I cry every single time I think about it.  An ambulance ride, 2 ER visits, an X-Ray, a CT Scan, and an over night stay in Children's Hospital later you ended up with a small fracture on the bottom left side of your skull.  The neuro surgeon said that everything looked fine and that it would heal on its own with no problems.  I thank God, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for wrapping his arms around you and protecting you.  We had so many people praying for you and we are eternally grateful to everyone for those thoughts and prayers. 
 I know that accidents happen, but I am not sure I will ever be able to forgive myself.  I struggle with this on a daily basis.  I am very thankful for ALL of our family for being there with us and for everything you all did for Collins.  I will never be able to say thank you enough.

At Children's Hospital
We finally made it to the doctor for her 4 month shots/skull fracture follow up. 
Weight 14lbs (60%) 
Height 25 3/4 (95%)

Aunt Tara met us for this appointment.  We got the evil eye for letting the mean nurse hurt the baby.  Since your 2 month shots went so well (no reactions) I assumed you would be fine after these shots as well.  I was wrong.  You had your first fever and you were pitiful.  I'm still trying to get used to all of these (not so good) firsts. 
On a better note September 17th we started baby food!  We started out with sweet potatos and those were not a hit.  Since then you've had peas and carrots too.  You are finally beginning to like the taste of food :) On October 1st we added fruit to your diet.  You are loving some apples :)
Not loving sweet potatos
You would sit outside and watch the dogs ALL day if you could
I know I posted that cute video of you rolling over last month... Well, you have rolled over from front to back very few times since then.  But you have started sitting up by yourself.  So I guess you are skipping the rolling over part... Stubborn (just like your daddy ;))

Your daddy took you for a ride on the tractor which you LOVED.  And of course you still love to ride the 4-wheeler. 

Between 8 and 8:30 most nights
5 Month Issues
I refuse to count them.  Instead...
We finally got the constipation thing under control!  Thank you Miralax!
Thank you God for being in complete control of every situation. 
To top off September Uncle Hunter fell 18ft out of a tree and had to be life flighted to Baptist South in Montgomery.  Scared us all half to death.  He walked out the same night with a broken nose and busted up lips.  He is ok and getting married to Aunt Tara next week!!!!  GOD IS SO GOOD!!!   Needless to say if I never see the inside of an ER again it will be too soon.   
We started building our forever home this month!!!  We can wait to get you in there and to watch you grow!!!  We love you more than you will ever know!
progress so far :)  loving the panorama option on IOS6
Swaddle escape

September 2012

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be"
When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to The Rock that is higher than I. Psalm 61:2

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Salt Dough Footprint Project

Another pinterest project attempt....
Footprint project
This is the picture from pinterest and the original website I used for the project Salt Dough Footprint Project
This is the recipe from the website
Salt dough recipe:
1 cup salt
1 cup plain flour
Half a cup of warm water
This is what my mixture looked like once I mixed everything together
Then you are supposed to knead dough until it becomes smooth
Once you have the right consistency (not sticky and not falling apart) I rolled the dough out onto some aluminum foil that I sprayed lightly with cooking spray so that it wouldn't stick.]
I used a small bowl for making the shape.  The website suggest pushing the dough into a shallow bowl.  If I ever attempt this again I will do that next time.  It makes the dough "thicker" in the center for a deeper footprint.
To make a hole at the top for hanging I used a straw
I was by myself attempting this project so I have no picture of me stamping Collins' foot, but that was the easy part.  Once we did that I put it in the oven for 3 to 4 hours at 200 degrees.  I still haven't gotten around to painting it yet, but from certain angles the footprint is hard to make out because its too shallow.
Honestly I would probably pay to have it done if I decide to do it again... This was a messy messy project.