
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My must have baby registry list

     I wanted to do a post on my must have list for babies not only for the benefit of others, but I KNOW I will need to look back at this for the next baby (which is a loooong way off!).  I know when I went to register for Collins I was extremely overwhelmed by all of the "stuff" that is out there now for babies.  I went in Buy Buy Baby (awesome store to register) clueless and left with less knowledge than I had when I walked in.  First of all NEVER go alone to register, especially if you are a new mom.  I would suggest taking someone with you that has some sort of knowledge about baby supplies.  Or if you are going with someone who is just as clueless as you are, make an appointment so that someone in the store can walk around with you to answer any questions you may have.  I printed out my sister in law and cousin in law's registry list to look over before hand and that helped somewhat, but I still had no idea what I was in for when I walked into the store.  It also helps to ask around to see what other mommies favorites are.  chances are if several people like the same thing then it's probably going to be worth it to add it to your registry. Bottom line is,  I got a lot of stuff I do not need and never really used.  So here are MY must haves for baby!  In no particular order!!

Once Collins was able to take a real bath we did use the typical Johnson and Johnson baby wash/shampoo and lotions.  After several baths I noticed how dry her skin was.  She had some flaky spots on her face and hair line and her legs just felt really dry.  This was even using the lotion twice a day.  My sister in law had the same problem with her little girl so she told me about aveeno bath products.  (before I get too far into this, I should warn you that I am probably going to be referring back to my sister in law A LOT!  Her little girl, Mason, is 7 months old so she JUST went through almost everything I'm going through.  So her knowledge is still fresh in her mind.  So most of my recommendations came from her.  She's a life saver as I'm sure you already knew from reading my previous posts) Anyway!  So we got some aveeno wash/shampoo and I LOVE it!  It has a light scent to it, but it smells sooooo good!  And the aveeno lotion is unscented so I lather munchkin up with that and then I still use Johnson and Johnson lotions for their smell :)  Collins hasn't really had any dry skin issues since we started using these products.

Our favorite diapers are pampers swaddlers.  Love the yellow line that turns blue when shes wet or dirty and yes she did have a few blow outs in the beginning, but we've got that under control now too :) As far as wipes go I sill don't have a favorite.  I think its a trail and error thing when choosing your favorite.  I do have a wipe warmer despite my skepticism.  Some come without a pad that you wet and those dry out wipes.  This particular warmer (prince lionheart) has that pad and it keeps the wipes warm and moist. Here's the link Prince Lionheart Wipe Warmer

We use Dr Brown's wide neck bottles and she loves them.  Even when I was nursing and bottle feeding she never had a problem with latching on to one or the other (no nipple confusion).  We also have the dish washer basket and we take it everywhere.  It holds 3 bottles and fits in the bottom rack of the dishwasher and the left over dirty bottles take up the rest of top rack.

Collins ended up being a paci lover like her daddy.  I wanted her to use the avent soothies because they have that hole in the middle and you could see her little tongue going to town, but of course she didn't like those.  She ended up going for the bpa free regular avent pacis.  I would suggest getting several different types of pacifiers until you figure out if/when she likes one better.

Of course we love our bumbo!  When Collins started holding her head up I could put her in it and set her by the sink while I did dishes or where ever I was doing something and she would just watch :) 

We have the lamb swing for Collins' day time naps and the nap nanny to sleep in at night.  When Collins was around 1 month old we moved her nap nanny into her crib and set up our video monitor so we could see her.  She made too many noises during the night and mommy was not getting the sleep she so desperately needed.  With Collins in her room I can cut the volume low enough to where I only hear her when she wakes up.  I know a lot of people leave them in a bassinet when they are that little, and for nursing mom's I'm sure that works best.  She has slept very well in her room and now mommy and daddy get good sleep when we get that chance. 

Speaking of video monitor.  I DO NOT KNOW how anyone lived/lives without one of these, (although obviously it is possible).  To this day if I wake up in the middle of the night I stare at the monitor to make sure she is still breathing.  I'm getting better at that, but I am so glad I have it right there for me to look at whenever I want to. 

Since the first time I felt Collins move in my tummy I knew she was going to be a busy bee.  She kicks and wiggles non stop!  Even in her sleep.  We tried swaddling with regular swaddle blankets, but she could break out of those in no time.  So once again A-Ash (that's what our nieces call my sister in law) to the rescue.  She told us about Summer Swaddleme wraps.  These have been such wonderful thing to have!  They velcro so she can't get out of them and she sleeps so well without "startling" herself awake.  Those swaddle blankets have made great light summer blankets though!  And they are soooo cute :) 

Collins loves bath time and the bath tub that we originally registered for and got was great when she was little and used the sling, but now she wants to kick and play and squirm all over the place.  When we took the sling out it had no grip for her so she was all over the place.  Now we have the First Year's bath tub and it has grip at her head and bottom so she can kick and splash and she doesn't fall over. 

We use lots and lots of burp cloths and bibs.  Collins spits up occasionally and it doesn't take much to ruin a bib.  Before you know it you are out of clean bibs and burp cloths.  I love kissy kissy bibs and burp cloths.  They are super soft and cute.  The bibs aren't huge like the other ones I have so they look cute on her as well.  Speaking of kissy kissy,  I LOVE their clothes as well.  They fit really well and they are just as soft as their bibs and burp cloths.  They are kinda pricey, but they hold up well (for future siblings) and Collins wears them all the time.  So I think we get our money's worth out of them!  Here are a couple of websites where you can get anything kissy kissy.  Green Daisies ,, and Sweetest Little Baby.

We have a Chicco car seat and a City Mini stroller and I love them.  The stroller opens and closes so easily and both are pretty light compared to some others I've seen.  Collins and I will go for walks at the track and it literally takes no time to open up the stroller and sit the car seat in it.  If I didn't have these I very seriously doubt I would attempt to go walking by myself.  Since this is not a travel system you have to get the adaptor for the car seat, but it goes on easily and the car seat just snaps in perfectly!

For keeping up with everything from feeding schedules to diaper counts I recommend downloading the total baby app.  I think it's like 1.99, but well worth it.  You will need all of that information when you go to the pediatrician.  And you will have too much going on to keep up with that off the top of your head.

And last but certainly not least pj's!!!  In the first few weeks we lived in gowns (for frequent diaper changes)  when her bm's became more regular we moved on to footie pj's.  Again due to having a little wiggle worm these are fabulous.  She can kick and squirm and you don't have to worry about a gown riding up! 

All of these things can be found at Buy Buy Baby and Target.  If you are expecting I hope this helps!!

With love,

Phillipians 4:13

Monday, July 23, 2012

Woah thats a big baby!

2 months and some change

          2 months sounds like no time at all, but in baby world that's an eternity! I feel like soooooo much has happened in the last 2 and a half months.  So i'll share some of our milestones with you.  I know I probably shouldn't type this because as soon as I do I will jinx myself, but around a month and a half Collins started sleeping anywhere from 7 to 9 hours at night.  Granted I wasn't getting that much sleep since I was still having to get used to her noises at night, but getting 4 to 5 hours straight sleep was a blessing to me!!  She is still sleeping 7 to 9 hours every night with the exception of an off night here and there and we are very thankful for that! 
Many faces of Collins
We had Candace Nelson in Troy take Collins' newborn pictures which turned out gorgeous!!!  When we got the pictures in I wanted to try my hand at a pinterest project with an old window pane and I couldn't be happier with the result!  Candace took some awesome newborn pictures and I am very glad we decided to go with a "grow with me" package for Collins.  Can't wait for 6 month pics!!!
completed pinterst project
On July 1st we had Collins dedicated at church along with her cousin Mason.  The day couldn't have turned out any better,  well except for the 100 + degree weather.... But other than that it was a wonderful day to celebrate 2 wonderful blessings with our family and friends.  You can watch the service here Pine Hill Baptist Church July 1, 2012 service.  Not only was it a wonderful dedication service but the sermon delivered by our preacher, Bro Chris Kynard, was one I needed to hear. Bro Chris gave Collins a bible with her name on it and a letter that we have in our safe that she is to read once she is older and has accepted Christ into her life. We have the best church family and I am so glad that Collins is going to grow up in such a loving place.
The dedication cake.

The dreaded 2 month appointment at the doctor was finally here.  I asked Matthew to take off work and go with us, beacuse I knew I would get upset when Collins got her shots.  When the doctor came in his first words were "woah that's a big baby" Matthew and I assume he is referring to her height... lol.  Surprisingly I only teared up just a little while she was getting her shots.  Wish I could say the same for Collins.  But as soon as I picked her up she was fine!  And no reactions to the shots either!!  I was worried about that since I didn't know what to expect!  We took videos of before and during the shots and then a picture of her after in hobby lobby :)  She weighed in at a whopping 11.5 lbs and measured 23 1/2 inches long.  She's in the 90th percentile for her height which obviously she gets from her daddy.  ( We think the only thing she got from me so far are her ears, poor child.  Good thing she will have hair to cover them up! )

Before Shots

During shots

After shots
For the 4th of July we went to the beach with Matthew's family.  All 12 of us plus 2 dogs in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom condo... I was a little anxious about this trip since this would be the first time EVERYONE was at the beach together, but it went very well!  We had a photo shoot with all the girls and Collins got to sit in her bumbo in the kiddie pool :)
Collins and Mason in their matching swimsuits

Sims, Mason, Taylor, and Collins
Matthew and I got to go to the beach by ourselves for my birthday.  I missed Collins sooooooo much, but Mimi sent us tons of pics.  So we enjoyed dinner out every night, finally getting some sun on this white body, and we made it to a movie for the first time in 3 months!  I was more than ready to see my baby girl when Sunday rolled around, but I throughly enjoyed mommy and daddy time :)
We've almost hit the 3 month mark and Collins is getting so big! As of today She likes to watch about 15 minutes of any baby einstein movie, she loves to hear herself talk, she is a little fussy at night unless she's really tired then you better put some ear plugs in!  Her daddy is really good at calming her down when she's that upset.  She is super happy when she first wakes up.  She loves her avent paci's during her day naps, and she loves to sit outside.  She also loves to mean mug ppl, which I hope she grows out of very quickly.  She is her daddy through and through.  We are blessed with one amazing baby girl!!

Now that I'm caught up I hope to make my post from here on out a little more detailed!

Hope you enjoy!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Collins "playing possum"

When Collins was 4 weeks old we decided to pack up and head to OBA with my mother in law and sister in law and her little girl, Mason.  Packing for a newborn was very challenging.  I honestly think I packed her entire room because I had NO idea what we would need.  Still not sure how I made it out of the house at 4 weeks, but we made it somehow.  We only ventured outside for 1 day for just a couple of hours and of course miss priss (who we have nicknamed possum) slept the entire time.  Anytime we are around a large group of people Collins like to "play possum."  As soon as we leave, bright eyed and bushy tailed. :)  Her daddy did dip her feet in the pool, but she slept right through that too.It was a pretty relaxing weekend.  My mother in law kept Collins at night so that we could catch up on some sleep and we got to spend some quality time with A-Ash and Mason :)
Collins 1 month Mason 5 months

When we got back from the Beach it was time for Collins to go to her 1 month checkup with Dr. Glover.   No shots this time.  Just the heal stick, which was very traumatic according to Collins.  She weighed 9lbs 8oz and measured 21 3/4 inches long.  We celebrated Father's day by going to our church where Matthew was recognized as the newest dad :)  We all survived the first month and we love her more and more everyday :) and we thank God daily for this precious and perfect blessing.
I'm 1 month old!!
Fathers day 2012
<><> </>
Good ol' tummy time :)

James 1:17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above.

Amanda Wright

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Collins is born

May 1, 2012

     Well let me back up a few days.   I had my 38 week checkup on April 27th and after having to go to triage not once but TWICE for high blood pressure issues, I was more than ready to have this baby girl.  So on the day of that appointment Matthew and I had the car loaded down with everything we needed for our hospital stay.  We left the appointment knowing that we would be induced on May 1, 2012 and I was ok because the end of this whirl wind pregnancy was finally in sight!  Doctor Logan told us that we could either be there around 5am that day or go ahead and come in the night before.  Being that we lived 2 hours away we chose to come in the night before.  They started me on medicine that night and I got my epidural bright and early Tuesday morning.  I had 1 good contraction before it kicked in.  SEVERAL hours later it was finally time to push.  I pushed for about an hour (which flew by) before Logan decided she would help by using the suction to help get Collins out.  Well Collins decided to be stubborn and leave her hand beside her face the entire time and it took about 4 nurses/doctors to get her out.  That sight was a little nerve racking and the look on Logan's face when they finally did get her out made my heart stop, but when we finally heard that little cry I knew everything was going to be ok. 

At 4:43 pm Collins Elizabeth Wright was born weighing 8lbs 2oz and measuring 20.5in long. 

   I know everyone tells you how much your world is going to change, but what no one tells you is how much anxiety you could possibly have.  I was a nervous wreck for the first month of her life.  Trying to figure out her different cries and what they meant was very overwhelming for this first time mom.  So to anyone who I may have offended during that month by not returning text, messages, or phone calls I do apologize, but I was definitely not in my right frame of mind.  Trying to play hostess during that time was a bit overwhelming as well.  Not only was I trying to get used to being so depended on by this sweet little girl, but I was giving breast feeding a go too!  WOW!  To all you  mom's out there who nursed, my heart goes out to you!  You are amazing women!!!  I knew that I wanted to "attempt" to breast feed once we found out we were pregnant, but I knew nothing about it.  My sister in law, who had just had a baby in December and was currently breast feeding, told me I needed to read "So That's What They're for: the definitive breast feeding guide.  If you are even remotely considering nursing please read this book.  I read this book cover to cover in preparation for Collins' arrival.  I had my Medela breast pump and I was ready to give it everything I had!  While in the hospital we had a wonderful lactation consultant who noticed that I may have some latch issues and suggested I use a shield to help with that.  After that everything seemed to be going really well!  Another lactation consultant came in and asked if I was sure I had never nursed before so I just knew that we were on the right road and that everything was going to go just as I prayed it would!  2 days after we had gotten home Collins would get so mad before and after each feeding and I had no idea what I was doing wrong.  Once again my fabulous sister in law came to the rescue.  She had a transfer scale where we could weigh Collins before and after to see how much she was getting at each feeding.  Just for our peace of mind.  Once we did this we realized that she was only getting maybe a half ounce each time she nursed therefore the poor baby was starving.  Having this new information my sister in law (have I mentioned how great she is??) suggested I go to the lactation consultants she used when she was having latch issues.  So Collins and I along with Ashley loaded up and headed to Tuscaloosa when she was only about a week old.  The ladies there were very helpful and in the end determined that I, for whatever reason, had a milk production problem.  With as much as I was nursing and pumping I should've been producing more milk than I was producing at that time.  This was the last thing I ever expected to hear.  Everyone in that room cried before we left.  I was very disappointed, but extremely grateful that we had a solution to our problem.  I am still pumping and mixing whatever I can get with formula and will continue to do this for as long as I can keep up.  I had/have a wonderful support system and I am very grateful for them.  Now that you have heard a not so pretty labor, delivery, and the first week home story I'll move on to happier times :)  Next up Collins is 1 month old and her first beach trip!!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Philippians 4:13

Thursday, July 5, 2012

For This Child I Prayed....

For This Child I Prayed and the Lord has Granted me what I Asked of Him. 1 Samuel 1:27

     September 2011, Labor Day to be exact, is the day our lives changed (for the better) forever. I took a pregnancy test and saw the word pregnant!!!! Matthew and I were beyond excited that in just 9 short months we would have a precious baby joining our family! Little did I know that 9 short months would turn out to be the looooongest 9 months ever! After telling our families our exciting news the fabulous and dreaded pregnancy symptoms started rolling in. I swear I experienced everyone in the book! The first 2 trimesters I was nauseated 24-7 and NOTHING helped! I tried everything from gingerale to saltines to pregars pops and nothing helped to ease up that wonderful nauseated feeling. Now I know it could've been worse and afterall i was carrying the most wonderfully God created miracle inside of me, but that doesn't make the nausea better at the time. Once the 3rd trimester hit the nausea faded and the heartburn set in. I'd take heartburn over nausea any day! So like I said between the nauseau, the never ending bathroom trips, the weight gain, the swelling, the high blood pressure, and the heartburn it was the LONGEST 9 months of my life!!  My most favorite thing about being pregnant (the list is short) was feeling her move.  This girl moved NON STOP once she started going!  It was so much fun watching the kicks and rolls any hour of the day or night.  During those 9 months we of course decorated a nursery after finding out that we were having a GIRL and we had some wonderful showers! Here just a few pics during that time. I have waaaay to many to post!

As i'm sure most of you who are reading this know by now, we named our precious baby girl Collins Elizabeth Wright. It's crazy how much she looks like her 4D pics :) Next post will be the big day that Collins arrives! 

Here we go!!!

Sooooooo I am new to this blogging thing and so far it seems very time consuming and overwhelming... Maybe not a good idea to start this with a newborn, but here we go!  Maybe I can get some blog time in during nap times :) Get ready for some major baby blogging!  Since she is the reason I am starting one, this is all about Collins. I am going to start from my pregnancy and go from there so everyone get ready!!!!